Brookfield, WI -New Year’s Eve – Glow Edition
Featured Player: Barry Schultz
We are happy to announce the Indoor Disc Golf Experience is bringing back the NYE event to Brookfield.
This will be a regular Ace Race style event where you get 2 shots for points on each hole.
Players may form their own groups. Number of players per group will be dependent on how many sign up. If you don't have a full Group we will group players together to make a full group. Once players have a full group we can assign which hole you can start on.
Metal hits 1 point
Chains 2 points
ACE 3 points
Winner of each division is the highest point total.
Advanced Over 900 Rated
Amateur Under 900 Rated
Juniors 15 or under
Wom. Advanced over 750 Rated
Wom. Amateur under 750 Rated
If there are not enough woman to make a separate division we will just have one woman's division.
Players must be present for all prizes, trophies, and raffles.
You can have a friend claim your trophy or raffle prizes.
Note we do not ship any winning prizes, raffle prizes, or trophies after the event.
First round is a trophy only event that will be Mailed out after the event or if we have time to do cards that night before session two we will hand them out after the second session if you play both.
For the second session you must be present to win trophies, prizes, and or raffle ticket items. Leaving the event early disqualifies you from any prized items but you can have a friend claim your trophy or raffle prizes.
Note we do not ship any winning prizes, raffle prizes, or trophies after the event.
First Round Check in:
3:30pm - 4:45pm
5 / 5:15pm quick players meeting than start
Early session is trophy only to be mailed out after the event.
Second Round Check in:
6:30pm / 7:45pm Check in
8:15pm Players meeting
Later session is 30% in prizes. 1st through 3rd get trophies.
Start after players meeting
$15 discount option for playing both event during registration.
Ring in the New Year With Ring of Fire with prizes
Ring Of Fire for the midnight countdown
Vendors will be on site so you can load up for the 2025 season.
Raffle and Trophies will follow after the rounds are completed. We may pause one of these to go do the Ring of Fire during at midnight if they run long.
If you are looking to volunteer please email or reach out to Jeff Showers on Facebook. (We always welcome any volunteers help in different capacities)
Also If you like to Sponsor a hole by designing or setting up a glow hole with your own equipment we welcome that as well. (note we are NOT responsible for any damage during set or during the round to personal equipment)
Register now to secure your spot.
If you're interested in a T-shirt or hoodie please check if your size is available during online registration.
The event logo will be printed on these items.
Need a hotel?
We did the research. The closest hotel with good rates is:
Avid Hotel
2101 Meadow Lane
Pewaukee, WI
You can call them here at 262-367-5750
Thank you for celebrating 12 years of the indoor disc golf experience with us.
Follow the facebook event page to keep up to date on information on this event.
This will be an Ace Race style event where you get 2 shots for points on each hole.
Metal hits 1 point
Chains 2 points
ACE 3 points
Winner of each division is the highest point total.
Register now to secure your spot.
If you're interested in a long sleeve or hoodie please check if your size is available during your online registration.
The event logo will be printed on these items.